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Brooks Buildings

305 - 325 Swanston Street,, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 - Property No B4103

Built for Mr. W. Hawkins about 1850 as a row of eight shops with lodging houses. The various occupants included, in 1853, Dr. Menzies, a surgeon, at No. 313-315, and Mr. S. Langfield, a joiner, at No 311. In 1857 No. 305-307 was occupied by Lloyds dancing rooms and was converted in the early 1860's into a Freemasons' Hall. Various alterations have been done in the past, particularly to the ground floor exterior, but the first floor windows etc. are largely intact. Brooks home ... more



Brooks Buildings

80-82 Gore Street, FITZROY VIC 3065 - Property No B3204

Consisting of two stories and a basement entered from a railed area. Classified: 06/04/1972

